
Alaska offers some of the most spectacular freshwater, saltwater, fly- and even ice fishing in the world. It can be as easy as pulling off the side of the road and casting a line, or you can charter a boat or float plane to whisk you off to a secluded fishing spot where you can reel in one of the more than 627 species that inhabit the Alaskan waters, including a variety of salmon, trout, halibut, arctic char, pike, grayling and Dolly Varden. With over three million lakes, 12,000 rivers and thousands more fish-filled streams, you can see the challenge isn't catching fish, but deciding where and what to catch.

Fishing alone accounts for roughly $652 million in annual spending by visitors, including purchases of licenses, guides and equipment. So it’s no wonder that every region of Alaska offers accommodations that cater to the needs of the angler, ranging from rustic camping to all-inclusive luxury lodges, and everything in between.

What kind of experience are you after?